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The Little Things + experiencing God's blessings in the small ways

I recently was able to start running again for the first time since after my surgery, and let me tell you, I have never missed being able to run so much. It's one of those things that you take for granted until you can't do it anymore, so once I was cleared to run again, it was so exciting.

As I was anticipating the first run back, I couldn't help but reflect on the many little blessings that we take for granted, like the ability to run and move freely, waking up early to be with Jesus, or watching the sunrise. Or the sound of laughter, the smell of freshly baked muffins, or simply being around the people you love more than anything. These little things matter most, but sometimes, we forget how important they are until we lose them.

I know I've said this so many times before, but our world pushes chaos and busyness, and while there can be beauty in being a part of many things, the busier we are, the harder it is to slow down and recognize the small things. And too often, we don't even think about those small things until we're forced to slow down.

My challenge to you today is to pause. Breathe. Feel the air flowing through your lungs and just feel this moment. And once you're here, present in this place, start really praying and praising over the little things God has blessed you with.

Here, I'll give you some of the biggest little things that I'm thankful for:

  • being still in worship and prayer

  • being able to move my body

  • talking to Jesus about the small things

  • after school talks with my mom

  • texting my Nana updates throughout the day

  • cold glasses of water

  • laughing

  • taking pictures

  • no phone time

  • the pretty sky

These little things matter because we often ask God to bless us, to fix our life and make us happy, but so many times God answers those prayers through the little blessings. God has been reminding me that the little blessings are gifts from Heaven, reminding me that He is faithful and active in my life. The little blessings that so often get overlooked are actually the big things inviting us into Jesus' presence in the midst of our everyday life.

So often, we miss out on experiencing Jesus in so many beautiful ways because we're rushing and hurrying, waiting for a mountain top, angels singing moment, but in reality, the best moments with Jesus are the little ones, where we pause and He meets us right where we are.

In these little blessings, in the small moments, we can experience an intimacy with the Lord like no other. It's in those places where we truly prioritize and are intentional about meeting with Jesus and praising Him. It's in those places that we quiet our souls long enough to hear the voice of God, and that will change your life.

This week, I challenge you to be intentional about pausing and choosing to be grateful over the little things. Be still, and breathe in the blessings God has poured out on our lives. He's given us so many good things, and we just need to slow down long enough to see it.


What are the biggest little things that you are thankful for? How has God spoken to you in the little moments? I'd love to hear down in the comments below!



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