When the new year comes around, people start talking about the "new me". They plan all these resolutions, all these changes and goals that they want to make, but most of the time, it falls off within the first month or two. We're still in January, so people are still in this mindset of recreating themselves and their lives, but as I've been thinking and praying on this, I've realized that while there are things God has put on my heart to prioritize and refine, I'm still me, and my identity has not changed.
As the years come and go, my identity and value within the Lord stays the same. My worthiness does not increase the longer I'm a Christian or depending on how well God "grades" my year. From the moment I was baptized and accepted Jesus into my heart, I have been a child of the Almighty God, with a special seat next to His throne (Galatians 4:7, Ephesians 2:6). I am so dearly loved, chosen, and forgiven (Romans 8:35-39, 1 Peter 2:9, Romans 8:1). My life has a purpose, and He declares that I am wonderfully made (Ephesians 2:10, Psalms 139:14).
God could not love me any more than He did last year, or the year before, or the year before that.
Despite the ways I failed this year, the ways I struggled and failed and gave into sin, God's love for me has remained the same. My identity has not changed as the years change, or as my circumstances change. I can make all the adjustments I want to my habits and my lifestyle but at the end of the day, my Father loves me all the same, and at the core, I am the same loved and chosen and forgiven child that I have been all for these years.
But even more importantly, my God is the same God He's always been, for all of eternity.
My God is faithful and kind and holy (1 Thessalonians 5:24, 1 Corinthians 13:4, 1 Samuel 2:2). He reigns on the throne and is just, while extending radical mercy (Psalms 47:8, Deuteronomy 32:4, Romans 5:8). My God redeems and saves and protects (Psalms 103:4, Psalms 55:16, Psalms 62:7). He delights in me and declares that I am like a crown of splendor in the palm of His hand (Zephaniah 3:17, Isaiah 62:3). God is a promise keeper and makes the impossible possible, even when the entire world doubts and turns away (1 Chronicles 16:15, Mark 10:27). God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever, in every way, for all of eternity (Hebrews 13:8).
My words cannot even begin to fully grasp and explain how wonderful and kind and perfect God is. There will never be enough words or worship to completely cover all of my bases, but the important thing that I want you to see here is that God never changes. He has always been kind, always been faithful, and always been just. There has never been a day where His character has changed or He has fallen short. God has never improved or declined, He has never wavered in His holiness or His love for His people. As seasons change and people fall away and the grass withers, no word of God has failed, and no part of the Lord's character has varied.
Even as this new year comes, my God is still the same. I don't know what this year will hold, or the next year, or the next 10 years, but I know that I can trust that with every moment, every day, every year of my life, my God will never change. No matter the lowest of lows that I may hit or the highest of highs that I get to experience, my God is kind, He is holy, He is faithful, and He is the Almighty God, the Creator of all things, and the ONLY ONE deserving of my worship.
That will never change.
Praise God for that. Thank You God for being my firm foundation, the One I can always count on and turn to. Thank You, God!
As we move further into this new year, I want my focus to be less on me, less on how I need to change and the things I can control to make my life "better". I want my eyes to be fixed solely on the God who never changes, giving Him my heart, my soul, my life, and my all, so that His kindness and glory can radiate through everything He does in me.
How have you seen the Lord's constant character over the course of your life? How are you grateful for His unchanging nature? Let me know down in the comments below so that we can praise Him together!