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My Favorite Part of Being a Track Manager + What This Season is Teaching Me

Track season is in full swing y'all, and I am loving it!

I'm not able to train normally or race at all this season, so I've taken on the role of manager/team mom/cheerleader. I go to practice every day, run when I can, and go to as many meets as possible. I have a cowbell and pom-poms (despite my team's embarrassment) and pack more than the actual runners do, because my duffel bag is full of rollers and BioFreeze and braces, anything my team would need. I time races, scream from across the field, and hold the layers my teammates have to strip off before they run.

It's my favorite thing in the world.

At a recent track meet, when I caught a break between everyone's races, I slowed down enough to breathe and reflect on the whole evening. My heart was so full - full of joy, of contentment, of peace.

Not only are these my people (I'm telling you, the distance team is just another kind of family), this is my passion.

Running, I mean. It's one of my favorite things. (Which probably sounds crazy to 90% of the population, but that's okay.) Everything about the sport - the highs, the lows, the aches and pains and PRs - I've fallen in love with it. But even more than that, the challenge that comes with it is the best thing in the world. And this track season, even before it finishes, I'm going to be walking away with two new lessons and realizations that I wouldn't without the circumstances of this season.

1. There is no greater joy than cheering on your people.

I'm telling you, I'm probably one of my happiest versions of myself when I'm screaming until my throat physically cannot make another sound, cheering on and encouraging my teammates. I love being the positive energy, watching them roll their eyes and crack a smile at how much I'm embarrassing myself. I love supporting my people, and I believe it's something we're all called to do, as followers of Christ.

You see, not only does it make me feel good, but I think it's also a part of being a light and loving our people. It's often a choice to choose to speak life and joy into the people around us, and it's not always easy, especially after you've had a long day, facing a million little struggles of your own. But it's worth it. It's worth it to cheer someone up for a split second or to give them the encouragement to keep pushing, even for a little bit longer. It's worth it for my people to know that I love them and am supporting them, all the way, whether they PR or run their slowest time. It's worth it for them to be able to count on me and lean on me when they're struggling (or when their legs give out).

This track season is challenging me to go out of my way to cheer on and love on the people around me. Not only on my team, but in my classes, in my family, at church, and the strangers I meet around my community. I've always been somewhat of a cheerleader, but each and every day that I go to practice, I'm reminded of how important it is that I am intentionally loving these people. Intentionally cheering them on, supporting them, being a light. Believe it or not, our few simple words may turn someone's day around or be just the thing they need to hear, and by the grace of God, I'm going to keep spilling these words until I run out of breath for the off chance that they matter to whoever is receiving them.

2. Never take for granted the little things. Cherish every moment, because you never know when it'll be taken away.

I hated running in middle school. Absolutely hated it, with a passion. I'd get through the workouts as quickly as possible (which wasn't very fast, because I was quite slow) and complain the whole time.

Then in high school, I started to realize how much I loved the sport. I realized that I loved the ache in my legs and lungs, the feeling of satisfaction after a workout, and the fact that it didn't just strengthen my body, but my mind too. I realized, "hey, this could be my thing! I could do this forever!"

And then I couldn't do it forever.

When the shin pain got so bad that I couldn't run anymore, at least not as I used to, I had a harsh lesson to learn.

Nothing lasts.

I was sidelined from my sport. I spent so long complaining, dreading the workouts, wishing I didn't commit, and before I knew it, it was gone. And that's when I realized that you can never, ever take for granted what God has given you right now. Your burden and biggest complaint is someone else's blessing and biggest prayer request. Before you know it, you might be looking back and realizing that you probably should have enjoyed whatever that thing is a little bit more, before it was too late.

I don't know what that thing might be for you. Maybe it's a sport, your health, or a hobby. Maybe it's a relationship or a luxury. Whatever it is - don't take it for granted. Don't let what seems like a given, an essential, a guarantee pass you by because nothing is for forever.

And I don't say this to scare anyone, but as an encouragement. I want you to learn from my lessons and maybe be able to see the life you have in a new light - as a million little blessings to appreciate and cherish while you have them.


This track season has been incredible already, and we're only about halfway done with it! I'm so thankful for the lessons and the memories, and I cannot wait to see what the rest of the season has in store.

If you are or were an athlete, what's the biggest lesson your sport has/is teaching you? I'd love to hear down in the comments below!

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I love cheering for my people! So glad you’re loving it too!

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