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If you haven't read my first guest post, check it out here!

A few months ago, I contacted an incredible blog, Salt and Sparrow, and I was given an awesome opportunity to have a blog post that I wrote to be published by them TODAY! Not only is Salt and Sparrow absolutely beautiful, the content is so encouraging and Christ-centered. My favorite part about this blog is that it features so many amazing women. Salt and Sparrow gives ordinary women an opportunity to share their story and what the Lord is teaching them on such a godly, beautiful platform.

My blog post, which went live THIS MORNING, is all about our identity in Christ and how absolutely, fully loved we are. The reality is, our world sends us so many messages, telling us that we aren't worth it unless *blank*. There's always something we have to do or be to have value, but Jesus conquers that lie. In His blood and through His grace, we are worthy and we do have value, no matter what the world says.

I'm so, so proud of this post, and it would mean that absolute world to me if you would check out my guest post on Salt and Sparrow here! Make sure to check out the rest of their posts here as well.

While you're here, go take a peek at some of my previous posts, which you can find here. I'm so grateful for you!



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