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I WAS ON SNOWBALL COURT?! - snowball 2024 recap!

A few weeks ago, I got an email that changed my life.....

I was nominated to be Snowball Royalty at our winter formal dance!

(I really wanted to share this with you, so that's why we're having a pause in our Armor of God series. Regular programming will continue on Thursday. :))

But seriously, little me would be MIND-BLOWN if she knew that we were going to be able to do this! Current me almost had a heart attack when I read the email, and I just know that she would have been 10 times more excited. It genuinely brings me to tears, because even though this doesn't have eternal importance, I'm living out little me's dream, and that feels like such an honor.

As the junior class snowball princess, I got to walk at the pep assembly with the junior prince, and I also was announced at the dance, which was so fun and surreal.

And of course, the pre-dance and dance itself was an absolute blast.

Piper and I got ready together, and then we headed out to take pictures with just the two of us before the rest of our group arrived. We always have so much fun doing this and literally have the BEST time taking pictures (both cute and ridiculous). I always love the way our pictures turn out, and I genuinely feel like they capture our friendship and personalities beautifully.

After we had a photoshoot with just the two of us, a few of the girls from Piper's church came before dinner and took more pictures. We laughed and laughed, and got some incredible pictures. Thankfully the rain didn't come (or disrupt us) until after dinner, so none of our pictures were ruined by the weather, which was a complete answered prayer!

We had dinner reservations at the Old Spaghetti Factory, and it was delicious! The food was amazing and the conversations were even better. We had casual conversations about our dream home and baby names, but we also got to go a little bit deeper about what we're learning in our Bible study, and that is what really fills up my cup.

At this point, it was pouring rain, and so we all piled into the van and headed to the dance. While it got off to a slow start, once we (okay, me) got a bit loosened up, we ended up having the best time. We danced our heart out, even though we aren't the "best" dancers, and made up Christian lyrics to the songs with bad words. We screamed the songs we knew until our voices were coarse, and even then, we kept on singing and bouncing around like no one was watching.

Midway through the dance, I was announced as the snowball princess and walked in front of everyone, and that was so fun. Little me would have been bursting at the seams, and it was so exciting to be able to do that!

And then, we kept dancing and dancing the night away until the lights turned on and everyone was instructed to leave. Although part of me wished that we could have danced for longer, I'm so grateful for all of the memories that we made and how much fun we had. I'm going to be very real - this has not been an easy season at all, but the dance brought a glimmer of light and joy that I really needed.


Because it's so important to me to leave you with a bit of encouragement in every post, I wanted to share with you something that the Lord has been teaching me lately.

John 7:6 says, "Therefore Jesus told them, 'My time is not yet here; for you anytime will do'", and that really struck me. I have a vision in my mind of what I want my life to look like, how I want it to work out. I have this timeline of what I think my life should look like, and I feel like I've received word from God about how my life should look. And when it doesn't work out, I get defeated.

But this verse was a reminder that it's not in my timing. It's in His timing. And even though I don't understand it, even though the confusion consumes my mind and it feels as if my heart is breaking when the Lord takes things away from me, even then I know that He has a good plan for me. The Almighty God is on my side, on my team, and He sees so much of the behind-the-scenes work than I do. His thoughts are higher than my thoughts and His ways are higher than my ways, and I have to trust that even when I can't comprehend it, He still is working all things together for my good and His glory.

This isn't an easy thing to process and walk in, but it's absolutely necessary for us to work on and grow in. It's my prayer that through the good and the bad, the Lord would help us to remember this truth and walk in it daily, because clinging to our own ways only leads to more hurt and confusion.


I was so honored to be the junior class snowball princess, and I had the best time at the dance! I'm so grateful for the amazing, beautiful girls that I was able to hang out with, and for the lessons that the Lord is teaching me, even when it's not easy.

Do you have a favorite memory from a school dance? Is there something particularly prominent that the Lord has been teaching you lately? Let me know down in the comments below!



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