I've talked about my Bible study countless times on the blog, and if you've ready any of those posts, you probably know that I love taking notes. I'm known for my handwriting and I genuinely enjoy taking notes as I read Scripture and learn from it. I love journaling and writing my prayers, and I've done all of those things since I began doing Bible study when I was very young.
However, recently I've stopped taking notes during my Bible study.
I can't even believe I'm saying those words because it sounds so unlike me, but I've found so much joy in it, and it's been such a blessing to me.
Sometime in the fall, I confided in my small group leader that I was really having a hard time with my Bible study. I was going through the motions and checking off the boxes, but God felt so incredibly far and I felt like I was getting nothing out of my time with Scripture. I felt defeated, but she suggested to me that perhaps I was struggling with burnout. She reminded me that I have done some version of the same in depth Bible study for years, and that can be a lot. She told me to try pulling back a little, trying something new. To release the pressure to do so much and lower the standard of achieving a little.
So I started to do that. I began reading through Scripture differently, leaving my commentaries and Bible dictionary to the side, but instead studying God's Word a lot more relaxed. I read through a certain portion of Scripture and took notes on what I felt God really pointed out to me. I leaned into the Holy Spirit for wisdom on what I was reading and I journaled more of my prayers. As I did this, I started to notice that my connection with God and awareness of His presence grew. I was hearing His voice more clearly again and my Bible study didn't feel so forced.
Then, after Christmas, I decided to try something very new. Instead of picking a set portion of the Bible to study, I'd just see where the Lord led me to. I wanted to focus more on prayer and listening to the Father's vision over the new year.
I just assumed I would start back up, as I had been doing, when 2025 began.
But I haven't gone back.
You see, the first night I set aside the notes, I came to God prayerfully. It was just a conversation about what was on my heart, and I was reminded of a verse in the first chapter of Hebrews. I ended up reading that whole chapter out loud, stopping every so often to talk to God about what I read, what it meant to me, praising Him for it, and asking for His thoughts. My study became a conversation with the Lord, and I left feeling so refreshed.
So, night after night, I keep coming back to do this.
I look forward to my Bible studies again. My cup is filled, every single time, even on the nights that feel a little harder to get into. I lean into prayer more throughout the day and I even come back to Scripture in the middle of the day to keep engaging with God about it. My Bible study is so much more fruitful and life giving after I set aside the notes, set aside the routine and schedule, and began allowing the Holy Spirit to lead my time.
I feel so blessed and so amazed because my Bible study is such an intimate time with my Father. I find myself overwhelmed with His presence and so worshipful. I'm using Scripture to praise and pray and it's a joy. There's no to do list or expectation, only conversation and intentionally interacting with God HIMSELF, and it's beyond words.
Taking notes and studying the Bible in depth and technically was a blessing for a season. I found a lot of fruit and joy in that for a time, and now God has given me a new way of engaging and experiencing Him, and it's a blessing in this season. I truly believe that one day I will go back to taking notes just as I did before, and I also believe that God is going to continue to speak to me and work on my heart.
The point is, there is no right way. The way you have done Bible study for years is not wrong but it's also not the only right way either. If you feel in a rut or like it's not working anymore, maybe it's a sign that God has something different in store for you. Maybe you too need to lay down the commentaries and notes and just be with God. Let go of the pressure and allow yourself to listen to His voice and enjoy His presence. Or maybe, you need to pull out some extra materials and go deep. Maybe God is calling you to go farther into what you believe and learn some new perspectives. Or, it could be something else. I don't know what it is for you, but I want you to know that all God wants is to spend time with you.
There are no rules, no expectations, no minimum or maximum. He just wants you, and He's more than willing to meet you right where you are. Try something new or let go of a routine you've had going for years, because you never know how God might allow you to experience Him or embrace a new perspective after you do. You could hate it and quickly want to go back, but at least you stepped out in faith and invited God in a new way, and He's proud of you for that, too.
Our time with the Father is designed to be a blessing, cup filling experience. It should not feel like a burden or leave you drained. Of course, it won't always be a mountain top, extremely notable experience, but it should be filled with peace and joy. Not just another thing on the to-do list that you go through the motions to get it done. If you're not feeling that joy or peace, tell God! And then listen. Let Him guide you to what you need in this season and trust that even if it's different or a little uncomfortable, there will be blessing.
(PS: If you're having a hard time discerning what God wants your time with Him to look like right now, reach out to a trusted, wise Christian. That's how this all started for me! My youth leader planted a seed, and it blossomed. DON'T try to figure it out on your own - it'll steal your joy!)
What does your Bible study look like right now and how is God blessing you in it? Drop it in the comments so we can celebrate together and maybe even get some inspiration for our own quiet times!
(UPDATE: I want to be nothing but transparent with you! It's been a couple months since I've written this post, and I have begun doing a separate Bible study where I do take notes and follow along with a commentary. I'm learning to balance the two, but God has so much grace for me!)