If I'm being honest, the new year usually sneaks up on me and catches me by surprise. I have the best intentions to be reflective and prayerful leading up to the new year, but I end up getting busy and distracted and neglect making this transition a purposeful one. This year, I refused to let that happen and began thinking about how I could seek the Lord regarding the new year and throughout the month prior. This began in November, friends, but I"m so glad it did, because it opened up many opportunities for me to experience a new intimacy with the Lord.
I did three things this year that really helped me prayerfully prepare for 2025, and I'm really excited to share those with you!
1. 31 Day Pray Into the New Year Challenge
I created a prayer challenge for myself to do throughout December, with a different prayer prompt each day. These prompts varied from listening to God about His vision for the year, praying over my family, college, the government, and missionaries. Some days I spent longer praying than other days, and sometimes the Lord led me to pray over other situations or people in the process, but I really loved having a specific thing to focus on praying over throughout my day. I found that I was more intentional in my prayers and could get more specific as I talked to the Lord over that thing. It also made me feel like I was covering "all of my bases" as I entered into the new year, praying over all of the people and situations that are important to me and giving them over to the Lord.

Update: I loved this so much that I created a prayer calendar for January, and look forward to doing it throughout the year!
2. Prayer Journey Through Church
Ever since I was little, my mom had taken me to the prayer journey at our church, and recently my little sister has joined us as well. I look forward to this every year because it's such an intentional time to slow down, move through centers, and talk to the Lord. The centers are different every year but they offer opportunities to connect with the Lord and give Him all of the things on your heart. And, you get to take communion, reflecting on the cross and slowing down to praise the Lord for the sacrifice He made.
This prayer journey is the perfect way to start out the new year and surrender the year ahead because it's an intentional space to meet with the Lord and experience Him. Even if your church doesn't offer this, you can create your own prayer journey in your home, setting up stations with different activities and prayer prompts. If you need some inspiration to begin, I wrote this post about a prayer walk that might help you get started!
3. Be Still
The biggest piece of advice I can give you to head into the new year prayerfully is to be still with God. Allow Him space to speak to you and give you vision over the new year, leading you into the areas that He desires for you to pour into and prioritize. Surrender and give Him control, His will be done, and be prepared to see Him work in mighty ways over the next year.
You see, we can do all the planning and self-reflecting in the world, but it's all meaningless if we aren't giving the Lord full reign and listening to what He wants us to do. We are powerless on our own, but with our God, He can make mountains move and miracles possible. If we want to see big things in 2025, then we have to be willing to take our hands off of the steering wheel and let HIM drive. We have to get a little uncomfortable, be still, and just listen, because that's the most important way to connect with our Father and prepare for the new year. It is so powerful when you can walk into the new year knowing that you are aligned with the Father and walking in His Spirit, not in your own strength, and there's so much joy and peace in that. I feel so blessed to be able to experience that, and I want you to be able to experience that too.
If you need some prompts and inspiration to talk to God through this, here's some things that helped guide my conversation with the Lord:
"God, what do You want to speak to me?"
"What do you want [this area of my life] to look like within the new year?"
"How do you want me to go about this?"
"What do you want me to prioritize this year?"
"What mission are you putting on my life?"
"How did You change me in this past year? How are you going to continue to work in the new year?"
"Thank you for...."
Most importantly, it's a conversation with God. Allow space for Him to speak to you and move in mighty ways. It's okay if you don't have all the answers, but bring it all to the Lord and let His peace and presence wash over you.
I'm really excited for 2025, not only because it's a year of big milestones, but because I also feel equipped and led by God in so many areas. I'm thankful for the conversations we've been able to have and the direction He's given me for the year to come, and I can't wait to see how He moves and comes through on His promises.
How have you prepared for the upcoming year? What has the Lord put on your heart for 2025? Let me know down in the comments below, so that I can continue praying and believing with you!