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God is Greater Than Our Feelings (how you can see God even when you don't "feel" Him)

At the time I've begun this post, I just came to the Lord once again in repentance for being distant. My feelings have told me that He's far, so I've pulled away in attempted self preservation, to not feel hurt when I show up and He's "not there". This year has been full of such heavy, dark emotions, and it's really clouded my relationship with the Lord. In the past, I've had such bright, spiritual and emotional experiences with God, and those have really strengthened my faith. But I think that when times got tough, that was what I was grounded on and looking for as evidence of the Father's presence in my life.

If you haven't learned already (or perhaps just needed a wake up call like me), our feelings do NOT and can NOT determine the Lord's presence or favor. Just because something feels "good" does not mean it's from God. And just because something feels "bad" doesn't mean that God has left or abandoned you.

My finite, mortal feelings cannot capture the wholeness and magnitude of the Almighty God's presence, especially in the midst of everchanging, broken situations.

That is honestly a blessing, because that means even when my emotions tell me God is far, my emotions AREN'T TRUE! They are just feelings, but they are not the truth, and they are not the foundation of my faith!

But if our emotions don't determine the presence of God, or at least can't always be trusted, then how can we recognize when He's near? How can we know His voice?

Firstly, we must look to Scripture. The Bible is God's love letter to us, and it is THE truth. While it was written by man, it was breathed and inspired by the Lord, and we can have confidence that every single word is true and in alignment with our Father. If it says God loves us, we can believe it. If it says we are forgiven and holy, we can believe it. We can dive into Scripture and learn about the character of God, our identity and the way He wants us to live our lives, and in doing so, we are drawing near to God and He is drawing near to us. Even if you don't have any giant revelations during your time with the Lord, if you are being intentional about meeting with Him, you can be confident that He is faithful to meet those who pursue Him.

We also can use Scripture to examine our own lives and if we are walking in line with the Father's will. The Holy Spirit will often use the Bible to convict us and challenge us in areas that we may be struggling with. If we study Scripture and can recognize the fruit of the Spirit in our lives, then that's a good pointer that we are living close with God and that He is working intentionally in us. If we look into the Bible and feel convicted of some areas we're falling short, that's evidence that God is inviting you closer. Sometimes we may need outside wisdom to help us discern this, and that's okay, but it's important we're allowing only godly and truthful advice to stick with us.

The people around us are another way we can be encouraged and confident in the presence of God. When we surround ourselves with godly, Christlike people, we will hear more and more stories of how the Lord is working in their lives, and their testimony can be an encouragement to us. I often just need to look outside of myself and recognize that my circumstance is not the end of the world, and God is working in SO many ways outside of my little bubble. Our communities can share their experiences but also speak life over us and even point out ways they can see the Father in and around us. If you need somewhere to start, check out this post, where some of the people in my community share what they've been praising God for.

And, when we choose to be grateful, we begin to recognize the many, many blessings that the Lord has lavished us in. Every little thing, from the pretty sky to food on the table, is provision and blessing from the Lord. We often look a million small gifts because we're waiting for the big, life altering one, but God shows up in all the less noticeable places too. He is the God of both the big and the small, so even when we're struggling to see Him in the big things, we can undoubtedly find Him in the small. He is good and He is kind, and He does not leave His children to wait alone. He provides in every way, and He always comes through - sometimes we just have to shift our lenses to recognize it.

When you're struggling to find things grateful for, go outside. Take a walk in nature. Soak in some sunshine. Admire the clouds, the sky, the flowers. Even the rocks! God carefully handcrafted every part of this world we live in, and it can be so simple to step outside and be filled with awe of His handiwork if we just open our eyes and look for it.


It can be so testing to our faith when we don't feel God, but I want to encourage you that even if your emotions are telling you otherwise, God hasn't left you. As born again Christians, we can be reassured that His Spirit dwells within us and He promises not to abandon us. We can recognize the presence and hand of God in so many ways, even if our situation doesn't feel good or He doesn't feel near. I want to start pressing into faith, especially when it's difficult, and intentionally look for the Lord in new ways, because I believe that I will see Him. And I want the same for you, too.

What are some ways that help you recognize where the Lord is in your life? Let me know down in the comments below, and we can encourage each other in our faith!



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