"Life with Jesus is a dance; it takes some time, at first, to learn how you do it, but after awhile, it just flows."
Years ago, when talking with a friend about my relationship with the Lord, I described it as a dance. Recently, the metaphor came back to me, and honestly, it struck me in a new way. I'm in awe of how beautiful and adventurous and purposeful life is with the Lord, but that doesn't mean it's easy. In fact, it's not.
Life with Jesus is trusting that He's got it under control. Life with Jesus is believing, despite everything the world is telling you, that He is the way, the truth, and the life, and He'll catch you before you fall. Life with Jesus is surrendering and healing and appreciating the small things. Life with Jesus is accepting that you're going to mess up a few times, and that's okay, because God's got your back, and He won't give up on you. Life with Jesus is a commitment, it's hard work, but in the end, it all comes together to create a beautiful masterpiece.
Just like a dance.
dancing with Jesus
it’s 8pm, on a date with Jesus
i’m praying, talking about life with the One who created life
suddenly, i get the urge to get up and dance
dance with the God of the universe
tears flow down my face, because every day, every day is a dance with Jesus
every day, He invites us close, pulls us in
every day, He calls us to do a dance you don't see often
a dance that requires faith, because we don't always know the next step
a dance that requires trust, because He’s leading the way, not me
a dance that isn’t for a few intimate moments, but one that lasts a lifetime
a dance that involves real, unconditional love, no matter the missteps
a dance that produces a joy like no other
a dance that reminds you that there is good in this world
a dance that calls us to be different, maybe out of step with the crowd
a dance that may make us stick out, maybe a target of insults or ridicule
because we won’t be perfect
we won’t obey pop culture
we won’t succumb to the standards the crowd demands of us
we won’t choose what’s easy
and we may lose a few friends
but it’s okay, because we’re dancing with Jesus
under the moonlight, with the soft grass beneath our feet
we’re dancing with Jesus
we’re choosing Him, every moment, every step
we’re trusting that every sway, every movement is creating something beautiful
something beautiful we can’t quite understand yet
we’re breathing and dancing and glowing and appreciating
because we’re dancing with Jesus
and even if the world doesn’t get it
even if it sets us apart
dancing with Jesus is the only place that we’ve ever been really safe, really loved
dancing with Jesus is the only place we’ve ever been unapologetically authentic, broken pieces and all
dancing with Jesus is the only place that brings peace among the storm
dancing with Jesus is the only place where the door is always open, no matter how many times we’ve rejected the offer
dancing with Jesus is the only place that can satisfy the longing burning deep inside my soul
and so a million times, a million times, i will choose to dance with Jesus
a million times, no matter how many people come along, trying to persuade me and convince me of their better offer
a million times, no matter how hard the dance gets
a million times, no matter how little it makes sense
a million times i will choose to dance with Jesus
I'm going to be real here - I don't usually share this type of writing. I know it's not the most poetic, most "put together" kind of writing that there is, but it's honest and heartfelt. This post has actually been sitting in my drafts for many, many months, but every time I come back to it, it pulls at my heart a little bit more, and it brings excitement back into the way I see my relationship with Jesus. Sometimes I get so caught up in the mundane, going through the motions, that I forget the beauty of dancing with Jesus, but I never want to stay there.
It is my prayer that you are encouraged by this writing, and that maybe, just maybe, you're inspired to see your walk with Jesus as a dance as well.