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A Love Letter to Jesus

Dear Jesus,

There is simply so much to say.

I have no words to describe how much I love You. I have no words to describe how much You amaze me, each and every day. I have no words to describe Your faithfulness, how perfect You are, or the vastness of Your being. For being someone with a lot of words, I have none.

Here in this place, at Your feet, You are all that I desire. You are all that I want. You are all that I need. You complete me, fulfill me, and bring me the most abundant joy. There is nothing else in this world that could ever compare to who You are and the way that You have so radically and completely transformed my life.

Life is hard sometimes. You know this because You lived it. Jesus, You are fully man and fully God, meaning You lived the life of a perfect Savior in a very much imperfect world, facing the same struggles I face each and every day. You know the hurts, the sorrows, and struggles of my everyday life, and there is so much comfort in that. There is so much comfort in knowing that I am understood and seen right where I am, even when I feel like my whole life is falling apart.

And Jesus, not only do You understand it all, not only did You experience it all, You conquered it all. You defeated each and every struggle I have ever faced, am facing, or will face. You reign supreme in this kingdom, and You will forever hold victory over the darkness of this world, including the hard things that seem to be thrown at me from every angle.

This means that You've got it under control. You've already won the battle, which means that this situation I'm anxious about and fighting through is taken care of. You have completed all of the work, and You have simply invited me to rest in victory with You.

Sweet, sweet victory.

In this place, Jesus, abiding in You, resting in You, embraced by Your loving arms, I am moved to tears because I simply do not deserve any of this. I do not deserve the luxury of being in Your presence, wanted and invited, each and every day. I could never earn the grace or love that You so willingly pour out onto my hurting heart. I could never ask for the safety of Your arms, where I've learned to run in the good times and the bad. I struggle to explain to people just how good You are, because it's something that I don't even understand, but I know it's the truth. I know it's real, this divine presence of the Creator of the universe that sits on my bed with me as I cry tears of joy and pain.

I know You are real, and You are holding onto me right now.

Jesus, I fall into Your arms.

I am easily overwhelmed by the chaotic tendencies of this world and my schedule. I am often anxious about things that You have simply already figured out. I am emotional, imperfect, sinful. But here, in this place, I feel the weight lifted off of my shoulders as You whisper to my soul, "shhh, Ellie, you're safe here." In this place, my heart is filled with faith that You will continue to hold on to me, and that You will always be my safe place to return to. In this place, the hard things I have to face do not go away, but I no longer have to face them alone, because I have the God of the universe walking through it with me.

And man, Jesus, I am so thankful. I am amazed and in awe and grateful of all that You are and all that You are doing in me. I could never write enough words or describe it in the perfect way to fully capture the entirety of You, but I sure can try. With my every last breath, and every last movement of my fingers, I will proclaim Your goodness and love to the world. I will never cease to praise You and the ways that You have redeemed and rescued me from the darkest of places, and brought me to a place of hope, joy, and everlasting freedom.

I am oh so grateful.


My faith, my relationship with God, it's just that - a relationship. It's such a personal thing to truly know the Lord and walk with Him, and it's something that has changed my life. It's so hard to truly describe the way you "fall in love" with Jesus, but it's a real thing, and I'm so incredibly thankful for all of the ways Jesus has gone out of His way to love on me, teach me, and guide me.

(PS: If you're struggling to feel connected to God, or simply just wanting to try a new thing in your Bible study, write a love letter to God! It's a much more personal, intentional way of showing gratitude for the Lord and sharing the things on your heart and mind. You don't have to be super eloquent or have the best handwriting; all it takes is a genuine heart and a love for the Lord.)



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