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5 Simple Tips to Help You Stay Organized


The school year is in full swing, and I am reminded of how important it is to stay organized and on top of everything! I'm generally a very organized person, but when you mix school, cross country, and the rest of your life together, it can be a lot to keep track of. And no matter what life stage you're in, life is usually crazy, and staying organized can be a challenge whether you're a student or not.

Here are a few things that I personally know are super duper helpful for me to stay organized, and I hope that they help you as well! Even the simplest methods can be a game-changer to prevent you from forgetting about things and being prepared.

1. Create a draft email of your to-do list

If you're a student or just on your computer often, then this is one of the best tips for you. Sometimes when I'm in class or working on the blog it's not convenient to go grab a planner, piece of paper, or my bullet journal. It's way easier to create a draft email and quickly type up a list of things I have to do. You don't need to send it - just delete it once your list is complete!

You could also do this with a Google Doc as well; the idea is to have a spot on your computer where you can efficiently jot down a reminder of things that you have coming up or need to complete!

2. Make a note on your phone

This one is similar to top #1, but we all have our phones on us! When you realize that, all of a sudden, there seems to be a million things calling for your attention and wanting first priority on your to-do list, this is the easiest way to get it all out to process and organize. Just open the notes app on your phone and create a to-do list for the day or reminders for things that are coming up. It doesn't even need to be formatted or have a title; for me, it's usually a brain dump. :)

3. Get/make a calendar

My family has a calendar of allllll the things we have going on. It's a monthly, color coded calendar and it's perfect for all the events. If you're like us, you have tons of sports, after-school activities, family events, and more. It can be chaotic, but when you lay it all out on a calendar, it makes things seem slightly more manageable. This isn't great for the day to day tasks (like homework, cleaning your room, etc), but it is great for the bigger things (like games/meets, concerts, school events, get-togethers with friends, etc).

I also use Google Calendar to help me plan + schedule my blog posts, This is a super simple but effective way to help me stay organized with the blog! Using Google Calendar would also be great for daily tasks, such as homework, meets/games, and activities. I personally love that it's so easy to move things around if necessary, and that can be hard to do with a physical calendar.

4. Start a bullet journal

Call me a nerd, but this might be the biggest tip that has changed the way I stay organized. I absolutely love all things planners + bullet journals, and not only because they're pretty. This is the most practical way for me to keep track of everything that I have going on and plan ahead so that I am on top of my schedule (to the best of my ability).

Creating a bullet journal does not have to be complex or Pinterest-worthy (trust me, mine isn't!). What matters is that it works for you and allows you to be creative while keeping your life together (to the best of your ability, haha). There are so many resources out there to inspire you as you start your bullet journal, from YouTube videos (I love AmandaRachLee) and other blog posts (like this one from SarahMaker!)

5. Make priorities

You're never going to know how to be organized if you don't know what matters most to you. Sit down for five minutes and decide what is most important in your life, and then decide on how you move forward from there. For me, Jesus has to be #1, so my time with Him is already scheduled into my day no matter what else is going on. From there, I have to intentionally prioritize my family, schoolwork, cross country, and friends. I'm definitely not perfect, and I have a lot to work on, but once you create that list and really dig deep to figure out your priorities, that will help you organize your to-do list from there on.


It is my prayer that no matter what season of life you are in - student, working, parent, or retired - that you are able to be encouraged and challenged by this to work on staying organized! If you enjoyed this post, please let me know in the comments below and tell me your favorite tip, or if you want to see more content like this! Or, if you have more organizational tips that I didn't include, drop those in the comments as well. And as always, if you have any prayer requests, please let me know so that I can pray for you specifically! :)



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