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3 Ways Psalm 23 Encouraged Me


Psalm 23 is such a classic chapter in the Bible, one that most people know whether they're familiar with Scripture or not. After I completed my study through James, I decided to do a deep dive into Psalm 23, and although it's only six verses, it took me about two weeks to plug my way through. I went line by line and translated each word in Hebrew, then studied the meanings of those Hebrew words along with two commentaries. I so enjoyed this slower, more intentional way of Bible study, and it genuinely refreshed my soul.

I'm still deciding if I want to do a study through Psalm 23 on the blog (let me know if you want to see that!) but meanwhile, I want to share some of the biggest things I learned that encouraged my heart and my walk with Christ. Before you begin, take a moment to pray and invite the Lord into this place, because you never know what He might want to teach you. Open your Bible, read through the chapter, and then we'll get started!

'The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,

he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.'

Psalm 23

1.The Lord is my shepherd.

This is one of those phrases that click a lot faster when you are living in the time that this Scripture is written. Shepherds aren't a common character in our lives today, so it's not an analogy we're familiar with, but this study gave me a whole new understanding of what it means.

Being a shepherd was a very lowly, dirty job, but the Lord humbled Himself to that point to "feed His flock, to guide, to govern, to defend them, to handle and heal them, to tend and take care of them" (Enduring Word). The Almighty God got His hands dirty to nurture and provide for us.

But not only that, this is an intimate role that He's taken on. The shepherd has to live and dwell with his flock, because he is their guide, physician, and protector. This is personal. The Lord has chosen to protect you, to provide for you, to invest in you. He sacrifices Himself to put your needs as His top priority, to lift you up and honor you. Our every need is met through the Father and His presence, and we are safe with Him.

2. The rest + contentment the Lord gives.

With the Lord as our shepherd, we get to experience abundant blessings, but especially rest and contentment. The places that He leads us aren't always easy, but they are always nearer to Him, that is where we find true peace for our souls. Rest comes not because our circumstances allow it, but because God provides it. One Blue Letter Bible commentary put it this way: "[God] gives quietness and contentment in their own minds, whatever their lot is; their souls dwell at ease in Him, and that makes every pasture is by a constancy of the means of grace that the soul is fed."

I no longer have to look at the situations around me to bring me rest or contentment. No matter what is going on, I can lean into the Lord and my soul will be satisfied. There is refreshment and restoration in the presence of God, and that isn't something I have to chase after or earn, it's something that's lavished on me because I am a child of God and He longs to comfort my weary heart.

3. God is our host and family.

When we think of God's role in our life, we usually first think of Him as our Savior and friend. But this chapter reminded me that God is a loving Father and host as well. The Lord invites us into His home, into His family, and creates a place where we can be safe, vulnerable, and welcome. It is in His presence that we can always return.

When verse 5 talks about the Lord preparing a table before us, the Hebrew language suggests foresight and care. God is intentional in His preparations for you and He puts forth effort to provide and bless you. Our Father is a generous host, and He lavishes on you an abundant bounty of love and gifts. The Enduring Word commentary explains that to be a guest of God is not just to be His acquaintance, but to live with Him. We get the honor of being a permanent resident in the house of God, where He adopts us and calls us His own, for the rest of eternity.


My study through Psalms 23 was such an encouraging one, and I pray that these few lessons were an encouragement to you as well. I highly suggest choosing a passage of Scripture to just sit and meditate on, because the Lord is so kind to bring discernment and wisdom through that intentionality. Our Father is our provider, our safe place, an inviting host and our source of rest, and we can rely on Him in every season. Praise the Lord for that!


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